Basic Comand prompt Commands



         Run the following command and write use of each command

1.   ipconfig :

                    This command is used to display current configuration of IP

systax : ipconfig [/all] [/renew] [/release]

      this command is equivalent to winipcfg command.

                this command is used to display basic icp / ip configuration. and is most useful for those computers which are configured to obtain IP automatically.

2. ping

          This command is used to check connetivity between two computers by sending internet controll message protocol.

             the receipt of corresponding echo reply messages are displayed.

Syntax : Ping [-t]  [-a]  [-n] etc

3. Telnet

             Administrators a local or a remote computer that is running telent server used without parameters tlntadmin displays local server settings.

         Telnet command provides virtual terminal to pass text commands in 8 bit data format

4. Netstat

             this command is used to display all those connections which are active

syntax :  netstat [-a] [-e] [-o]

            mostly this command is more useful to System Administrators to view how many computers are active at a time of passing this command.

5. Pathping

           provides information about network loss at intermdiate hopes between a source and destination. Pathping sends multiple packet messges to computers and then calculates results based on it-

syntax:   pathping [-n] [-h] [-g]

6.  nbtstat

        displays nbtbios over tcp / ip protocol statastics . netbios name tables for both local and remote pc

syntax : nbtstat [-a] [-c]

7. chkdsk

         this command is used to create and displays status report for a disk based on the file system. this lists and correctss error on the disk.

syntax : chkdsk /f /v /r /x /p/q /r

               some time computer keeps on restarting automatically or it doesn't work properly at this time by passing this command in command prompt. the bad file can be repaired and computer can be put up in use as before

8. hostname

     this command displays the hostname portion of the full computer name of the computer

syntax : hostname

                  this command will return name of user of computer.


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