Working with Meghdoot all module step by step.

Total Computerization of Head Post Office: An Overview of Meghdoot Modules

General Notes

·         “Day Begin/ Shift Begin” has to be done in all modules except “Accountant Module”. The Supervisor performs the “Day Begin/ Shift Begin” operation in all modules except Despatch module, in which the Despatch PAs perform their respective “Shift Begin” operation.
·         On any working day, when all modules are inter-linked, “Day Begin” has to be done in Sub Accounts and Treasury, before any other module.
·         Sub Accounts Module has to be installed before installing the Treasury Module, since the tables for storing the Treasury configuration data are created when Sub Accounts module is installed.

Working with Point of Sale

Work Flow:

·         Point of Sale has four types of user levels:
o   System Administrator
o   Supervisor
o   Counter Assistant (Operator)
o   IPO Assistant
·         The System Administrator creates the Supervisor, who in turn configures the software for the office, creates Users and links the module to Treasury. This is a one-time operation.
·         Supervisor performs “Shift Begin” operation and allocates counters to Users.
·         The Counter PA carries out counter transactions.
·         Counter PA transfers cash to Treasury in “Cash Entry” option, is which acknowledged by the treasurer in Treasury Module and transfers the account to the supervisor by printing the “Submit Account”. (Note: Printing must be done after balance in hand becomes zero in “Submit Account” – a confirmation that Treasurer has accepted the cash.)  The transaction is recorded in the TCB only at this stage.
·         Counter PA ends his own shift using “Shift End” option & takes all detailed transaction reports.
·         The counter supervisor has to verify the accounts of the counter PAs for the counter transactions to be incorporated in the PO Accounts and perform “Shift End”.
·         The “System Administrator” can cancel transactions and view Supervisor Log Information, which will indicate the date and time in which modifications to tariff, limits etc have been done by the Supervisor. The role of “System Administrator” in Point of Sale has to be played by the Postmaster. This is not to be confused with the System Administrator or System Manager of the office.  Cancellation of transaction must be verified by the Postmaster/ Supervisor to avoid any fraudulent transactions.
·         The IPO Assistant manages the stock of IPOs. The IPO Assistant issues IPOs to counters and to SOs/ BOs & prints the IPO returns.

Important Steps:

1.    Login as Supervisor.
a.    Configure the software under menu options “My Office” & “Configure”.
b.    Connect to other modules in network:
                                          i.    Treasury: “Treasury --- Treasury Server Name”.
                                        ii.    Accountant: “My Office --- Environment --- Business Hours/ Server Details”
c.    Create Users under “My Office --- Users”
d.    Begin shift under “Tools --- Shift Begin”
e.    On first day allocate counter to users under “Tools --- Work Allocation --- Add”.  Next day onwards supervisor has to only authorize the Users under “Tools --- Work Allocation --- Authorize”.

Note: (i) For the module to be connected to “Treasury”, “Day Begin” has to be done by the Treasury Supervisor.

(ii) If IPO menu is not seen then Point of Sale is not linked with Treasury module. When Point of Sale is connected with Treasury, IPO menu is activated automatically.

2.    Booking of Articles, Money Orders etc:
Login as Operator:
a.    Book various types of articles under the menu “Inland Mails --- Letters/ Parcels/ Speed Post/ Express Parcel/ Value Payable” or use short cut keys like “Ctrl + L” for registered letters, “Ctrl + P” for registered parcels, “Ctrl + S” for Speed Post etc. For booking of Speed Post articles pre-printed bar-code stickers are required, which can be either scanned with a bar code scanner or entered through keyboard. Since the barcode number is unique, the same number will not be accepted again after booking.
b.    Book Money Orders and carry out other financial transactions under the menu “Financials --- Money Orders/ PLI/ RPLI/ UCR” etc or use the short cut keys like “Ctrl + M” for MOs, “Ctrl + O” for PLI etc.
c.    Book Foreign Mail articles under “Foreign Mail --- Airmail/ Seamail/ Speed Post/ SAL.
d.    Service Articles can be booked under the menu “Service --- Postal”.
e.    View the various reports under “Reports Menu”.

3.    Transfer of Cash to Treasury by Counter PA and receipt of cash from Treasury:
Login as operator. The operator gets the menu “Treasury” only if the Point of Sale Module is connected to the Treasury Module.
a.    Enter the particulars of cash to be transferred to Treasury under the menu “Treasury --- Cash Entry”. The amount in hand can be ascertained by selecting “Status” or “Ctrl + F2”. It can also be ascertained by viewing “Submit Accounts” under “Treasury” menu.
b.    Once the Treasurer accepts the cash making relevant entry in the “Treasury” module, the “Balance on hand” under “Treasury ---Submit Accounts” becomes zero.
c.    Print “Submit Accounts” after the balance on hand becomes zero. This is important, since the Supervisor will not be able to verify accounts without printing “Submit Accounts”.
d.     Cash received from the Treasurer can be accepted through “Treasury --- Cash from treasurer”.

Note:Submit Accounts” is the Meghdoot equivalent of “hand to hand receipt” book.   All users of Point of Sale module must print the Submit Accounts Report after making Balance in Hand Zero as outlined above. Non-printing of Submit Account Report gives out of account item in HO Summary.

4.    Receipt of cash / transfer of cash to counter by treasurer:
Login as Treasurer.
a.    Acknowledge receipt of cash from counter through “Receipts --- Counters”.
b.    View TCB under “Reports --- Treasurers Cash Book” and see that the transaction is included.

5.    Account Verification by Supervisor:
Login as Supervisor
a.    Select “Treasury --- Accounts Verification” and verify the accounts Counter operator-wise. It is only after this operation that the counter transactions get incorporated in the HO Summary.

6.   Creation of New Transactions:  Supervisor can create new transactions for any additional transactions in POs.  Suppose Accountant package is not on-line and Counter PA books some Service MO then that figure must be incorporated with “Bills Paid” to tally the “Submit Account”. For this Supervisor has to create one “Bills Paid” transaction head in “Treasury --- New Transactions”.

Working with Despatch Module

·         The Despatch Module has the provision of fetching data of the articles booked in the Counters, articles required to be returned to sender or to be redirected and articles booked in computerized sub offices.
·         It also has provision for entering data of articles booked through special journals and articles booked in other offices that are not computerized.
·         Due bags have to be configured and PIN ranges have to be given for each bag. The module sorts the articles and consigns them to different bags. Despatch lists are generated for each bag.
·         Since the sorting is based on PIN Code, it is important that all articles are booked with the correct PIN Code. 

Work Flow:

·         There are two user levels: Supervisor and Operator.
·         Supervisor configures the software for the office, entering the Master data of due bags and their PIN ranges.
·         Operators receive articles from counters and those returned by postmen to be redirected/ returned to sender. Data of special journal articles and articles booked in non-computerized offices is entered.
·         The data is sorted and consigned to bags through the software.
·         Despatch lists are generated and enclosed physically in the bags before closing.

Important Steps:

1.    Login as Supervisor and configure the following under “Master” menu:
a.    Number of dispatches  
b.    Bag Type
c.    Bundle Type
d.    Due bags
e.    PIN Range
f.     HVMO Limit
g.    Special journal users

2.    Receipt of articles from counters and “Postman” module:
a.    Login as operator and begin shift through “Tools --- Shift Begin” operation.
b.    Receive articles through “Receipt --- Receipt from counters/ Spl journals/ BOs/ Receipt of deposited articles/ Deposit/ Fetch from Postman”

3.    Data entry of articles:
a.    Login as operator.
b.    Enter the data of articles through “Data Entry --- Articles from other source/ Special journal articles”.

4.    Sorting:
a.    Login as operator.
b.    Select “Prepare --- Autosorting”. The data is sorted bag-wise. Bundles also get prepared where justified, if the option “prepare bundles” is checked.

5.    Bag Preparation:
a.    Login as operator
b.    Select “Prepare --- Bag” and include articles in the bag to be closed based on the sorted contents.
c.    Select “Reports --- Despatch List” and print the ispatch list which will be enclosed in the bag being closed.     

Working with Postman Module

Work Flow:

  • There are two user levels: Supervisor and Operator.
  • Supervisor configures the software for the office, creates Users and links the module to Treasury. This is a one-time operation.
  • Supervisor performs “Day Begin” operation and makes changes in allocation of beats if necessary.
  • The Registration Delivery Operator opens the bags received and enters “Bag details”. If the number of articles received does not tally with the registered list, the operator is prompted to make error entry.
  • Operator invoices accountable articles and MOs received for payment. If “Localities” database has been entered, “Pre sorting” method can be used; ie the computer prompts the beat number of the articles being invoiced. Otherwise, beat wise sorting has to be done manually and articles are invoiced beat wise using the “Post sorting” option. Operator generates the Delivery Slips.
  • Supervisor has to authorize cash to postmen. Only then the data will be available with the Treasurer to make payment to the postmen.
  • Treasurer makes payment of cash to postmen as prompted by the software.
  • When postmen return from their beat, they deposit the returned MO amount in Treasury. This will be entered in “Treasury” Module and will get incorporated in TCB.
  • The Registration delivery operator enters appropriate remarks for the returned articles and marks the rest as delivered/ paid. The data of the articles marked as “Redirected” or “Returned to Sender” will be available to the “Despatch” module for further processing.
  • The Supervisor verifies the returns. The returned amount now gets incorporated in the PO accounts.

Important steps:

  1. Login as Supervisor.
    1. Create Users: My Office --- Users. (Allot relevant branches to Users)
    2. Configure Environment
                                          i.    Server details (to link with Treasury & Counters)
                                        ii.    Delivery Establishment
                                       iii.    Postman Details  
                                       iv.    Bulk Addressees
                                        v.    Reasons for non delivery
                                       vi.    Due bags
                                      vii.    Localities database (If pre-sorting technique is to be used)

The above task is a one-time operation to be done when the Module is first installed. Subsequent editing can be done, if required.

  1. On a day to day basis, the Supervisor has to first perform the Day Begin operation. (Tools --- Day Begin). Changes in beat allocation to operators may be done if necessary.

  1. Invoicing of RLS & MOs; Generation of Delivery Slips:

Login as Operator
    1. Enter Bag details (“Ctrl + B” or “Invoicing --- Registered Articles --- Bags Received”). There are two columns for entering the details of articles received. Enter the details as given in the registered list in first column. The figure appears automatically in second column. If there are any changes (short/ excess) the appropriate correction may be made in second column. After finishing the entry of bag details, the operator will be prompted to make error entry if there is short/ excess receipt.
    2. Invoice articles through Post Sorting or Pre Sorting. (“Ctrl + R” or “Invoicing --- Registered Articles --- Articles for Delivery --- Post Sorting or Pre Sorting”)
    3. Invoice MOs through Post Sorting or Pre Sorting (“Ctrl + M” or “Invoicing --- Money Orders --- MOs for Payment --- Post Sorting or Pre Sorting”)
                                          i.    Corrections can be incorporated by the Operator, before transfer of data to treasury through “Money Orders --- Diversion of MOs”.
    1. Generate Delivery Slips for all beats through “Reports --- Registered Articles --- Delivery Slip” & “Reports --- Money Orders –Delivery slip”.

  1. Transfer of data to Treasury:
Login as Supervisor
    1. Select the menu “Treasury --- Payments --- Cash to Postman --- Submit”
    2. Check the entries with reference to MO Forms and submit.
    3. In case of mistake, “Remove” option can be selected. The details will revert to “Submit” option.
Only after this authorization by Supervisor, the details of cash to be paid to the postmen will be available to the Treasurer.

  1. Payment of cash by Treasurer:
Login as Treasurer:
    1. Select the menu “Payments --- Money Order Payment Cash”
    2. Make payments to postmen as indicated on the screen.
    3. In case of mistake, select “Edit --- Cash to Postmen”, select the required entry and “Undo”. The undone item will reappear under “Payments --- Cash to Postmen”.

  1. Return of cash by postmen;
Login as Treasurer:
    1. Select the menu “Receipts --- Postman Returns”
    2. Select the beat number concerned and enter the amount returned.
    3. View TCB and note that the transaction has been recorded. You may note that the transaction has not been recorded in HO Summary, since the “Postman” supervisor has not yet verified it.

  1. Returns:
Login as Operator in “Postman Module”.
    1. Select “Ctrl + W” or the menu “Returns --- Registered Articles --- Beat No --- Fetch” for Registered articles.
    2. Select the undelivered articles one by one and record the reasons for non – delivery. Articles not marked as undelivered will be marked as delivered by exception.
    3. Returns for Money Orders can be recorded through “Ctrl + X” and for Parcels through “Ctrl + Y”
    4. Returns of articles returned by postmen after closing of the day’s accounts can be entered the next day under “Returns --- Late Returns”.
Note: Recording of Returns with proper Remarks is important for correct disposal of returned articles.

  1. Verification by Supervisor:
Login as Supervisor
    1. Select the menu “Treasury --- Submit Account --- Postmen” and double click on “Beats”.
    2. Amount to be returned by the postmen will be seen beat-wise. This is to be verified with the MO Paid voucher and submitted. Only then the MO payments will get incorporated in HO Summary. You can verify this by viewing the HO Summary in Treasury module.

Note: (i) Supervisor has to submit Postman account failing which HO Summary will not be generated.

(ii) If there is any VP Adjustment, this must acknowledged to Point of Sale and Treasury module so that account submission at that end will be possible.

(iii)       Do not modify the Postmen name of account is already transferred to Treasury Branch.

(iv) For any discrepancy in Treasury module check the Unpaid article or VP articles.

(v) If there is window payment of MO send the information to Treasury so that it can be paid out in Treasury branch. After that verify the window payment account.

Working With Sub Accounts


  • There are two user levels: Supervisor and operator.
  • The Supervisor configures the software and creates users. This is a one-time operation. The software is inherently linked to the Treasury module.
  • The Supervisor performs “Day Begin” operation.
  • The account bags received from SOs are opened. If there is a remittance received from the SO, the cash bag is sent to the Treasury.
  • The Treasurer opens the cash bag and makes relevant entry about the receipt of cash in the Treasury module.
  • The operators enter the data from SO Daily Accounts. (If Meghdoot Sub Office component is in use in the SO, the data will be already available in electronic form and needs to be only validated and incorporated in the SO Summary.)
  • The operators view and print out the SO Summary.
  • The list of documents to be sent through SO Slip is entered.
  • If there is a remittance to be sent to the SO, the treasurer, prepares the cash bag, enters the weight of the cash bag/ stamp bag and the remittance particulars in the Treasury module.

Important Steps:

1. Login as supervisor and configure the following under the menu “Configuration” (one time):
    • Environment
    • Users
    • Holiday list (once in a year)
    • Sub Offices (Office Name, Office Code, PIN Code, Non Delivery Code)
    • Cash Offices
    • SO opening Balance
    • SO Allocation
    • BO PR Book Supply

2. Under “Tools” menu perform “Day Begin” operation.

3. Login as operator
a.            Select the menu “Data Entry --- Daily Account Data –Receipts/ Payments. If the SO is also computerized the data can be captured directly from floppy received from the SO by selecting “Tools --- Floppy received from SO”
b.            If there errors in the Daily Account that need to be reported to SO select “Tools --- SO error entry”. The error entered will get printed in the SO Slip of the concerned SO.
c.            If Daily Account has not been received from SO select “Tools --- Daily Account not received”. This has to be done before generating SO Summary.
d.            By selecting “Tools --- Single Daily Account/ Part I – II” it is possible to select the format of the Daily Account, ie single or in two parts (General & SB)
e.            Select the menu “View --- SB Receipts/ Other Receipts/ SB Payments/ Other Payments” to view the data entered.
f.             Select “Printing --- SO Summary SB/ SO Summary General” to print SO Summary in two parts.

4. Generation of SO Slip
a.    Documents to be sent to all SOs can be invoiced by selecting “Data Entry --- SO Slip --- Common documents sent”
b.    Documents to be sent to individual SOs can be invoiced by selecting  “Data Entry --- SO Slip --- documents sent”.
c.    MO Forms to be sent to SOs have to be invoiced by Treasurer.
d.    Cash receipts from SOs and remittances to SOs are first entered by the Treasurer.
e.    Once the cash bag/ stamp bag is closed by the Treasurer, Sub Accounts PA will select “Data Entry --- SO Cash Bag Weight/ SO Stamp Bag Weight”.
f.     Select “View --- SO Slip” and then “Printing --- SO Slip”

  1. Posting of Transit Figures by Sub Accounts Supervisor: Login as Supervisor:
    1.   Select “Verification --- Received from SOs/ Sent to SOs” depending on whether cash is received or remitted.
    2. Select “Transit --- SO Transit Figures/ SO Advance Figures --- Remittances Adjustment”.
    3. Select “Printing --- SO Summary Transit / Advances”.

i) Enter “Daily account not received” correctly.

ii) Enter “Holidays” without error. Otherwise transit date for all SOs will be changed resulting in wrong Transit/Advance figure.

iii) Error entry made by operator must be verified by the supervisor before printing SO Summary.

iv) Exercise strict control on creating of new account head. Wrong account head can create a mismatch in cash account figure. The supervisor has to make the account head permanent; otherwise account head will not appear after current month.

v) Ensure the correctness of amount sent to SO while entering “Cash bag weight”. Discrepancy, if any  must be informed to Treasurer for correction before printing of SO Slip.

vi) Don’t cancel the SO slip with out sufficient reason.
vii) Keep watch for proper Transit and Advance posting which will ensure correctness of Postmaster’s Balance Sheet.

vii) While entering a “nil daily account” for an office the operator will be prompted whether to treat as a “nil account” or “not received account”. Give the proper answer “Yes/No” as the case may be. Otherwise the concerned SO daily account will be treated as not received and will be expected the next day. The SO Summary will not tally and the day’s work may have to be repeated.

viii) Don’t change the SO Opening Balance resulting a wrong HO Cash Book figure. Adjust with UCR/UCP.

ix) Any changes in total of any account head by any branch must be incorporated in Sub Account module before Day End to ensure proper accounting in HO Cash Book.

(x) Before doing “Day End”, the supervisor has to perform the verification of “Received from SO”, “Sent to SO” and “Remittance Adjustment” for proper transit/ advance posting; otherwise “Day End” will not possible.

Working With Treasury


  • There are two user levels: Supervisor and Treasurer. If there is more than one treasurer, appropriate designations can be given to each.
  • The Supervisor configures the module for the office: creates Users, gives designations, assigns role to each User and distributes work according to the assigned roles.
  • The Supervisor configures the opening balances of cash, stamps, cheques etc.
  • The treasurer enters transactions as they occur during the day under “Receipts” & “Payments”.
  • The Treasury module has to be connected with all other modules for effective functioning.

Important Steps:

Note: (i) Before doing the treasury configuration, Sub accounts Day Begin has to be done, so that the required Tables will be created in the Sub Accounts database, so that treasury configuration data may be saved in it.

(ii) Before starting operations furnish the particulars of Closing Balance – Cash correctly. It is important that the actual Closing Balance is entered. If the amount given under this option is wrong the HO Summary will be wrongly generated and there is no modification option. Modification or additions done later in the Supervisor menu option, ”Opening Balance – Cash” will only reflect in TCB and not in HO Summary.   There is no provision for opening balance of cheques in deposit in supervisor menu also.

1. Login as Supervisor and perform ‘Day Begin’ operation under “Masters – Day begin. In Treasury module ‘Day Begin’ is in “Masters” menu and ‘Day End’ is in “Tools” menu.

2. Configure the following under the menu “Masters” (one time):
·         Stamp Denominations                                          
·         Currency Notes – Denominations                       
·         Publications                                                             
·         Banks and Treasuries                                            
·         Counters

3. Create appropriate designations under “Masters --- Designation Master”. Create users (treasurers) and assign roles to them under “Masters --- Users” and “Masters --- Role Assigning”. Distribute work to the treasurers under “Masters --- Work Distribution”. (One time)

4. Configure opening balances of cash, stamps etc under Tools menu, if necessary; otherwise your HO Summary  balance will not match).

5. New Account heads can be added under “Masters --- Add Receipt Head” & “Add Payment Head”. Ask supervisor of Sub Accounts to make them permanent, if required.

6. Login as treasurer and enter receipts and payments. Transactions within the office are related to other modules. Eg “Receipts --- Counters” will indicate the counters that have sent cash to treasury. “Payment --- Bills Paid” will not be required if the Accountant module is linked to the Treasury module.  “Payment – Postmen payment cash” will be visible if postmen supervisor sends the Postmen date to treasury.


i) Do proper ‘Day Begin’ and ‘Day End’ everyday.

ii)  Before leaving of any operator of any module check the HO Summary to see whether there is any out of account item in his module. If yes, ask the operator to complete it.

iii) For any complicated calculation error consult with all related branches before doing any modification in Treasury module.

(iv) Don’t delete any entry in edit menu without sufficient reason. Particularly for cheque transaction special care should be taken.

(v) Write any voucher number as numeric when asked by the module for payment for proper fetching to account branch the next day.  If it is in character form the data may not be fetched to other branches.

SB Cash Module

Since Sanchaya Post is not linked with Meghdoot, SB Cash module is required for integrating the Savings Bank Department into the total computerization environment. Entries are made for each counter. Make sure that “Submit Account” is printed after making as balance in hand as zero, as in the case of Point of Sale. Supervisor has to verify the accounts of each counter operator.

(1)       The “Day Begin” in Treasury module begins the day in SB Cash also.

(2)       Supervisor to create proper transaction master for general or savings side.

(3)       If any error is found supervisor has to undo the account before submission of account and that account again made available to operator for modification.

(4)       Any inter - counter transactions must be done at operator level without intervention of treasurer

(5)       Any debit/ credit transactions like bank remittance/ drawal, pension payment, or bills payment, UCR, UCP must be entered  in SB Cash for tallying.  Don’t hand over these transactions to Treasurer.

(6)       Must acknowledge the Cash received from Treasurer immediately in the menu.

Working With Accountant & Accounts PBS Modules

Accountant package contains the following modules.
v  General Module (contains Cash Book options)
v  Pay Bill
v  Other Bills (Supplementary Bills)
v  GPF
v  NPC
v  Income Tax

Databases of Accountant Package:                    
v  Accounts (Data of General, Pay Bill, Other Bills, GPF)
v  NPC (Data of NPC)
v  Income Tax (Data of Income Tax)
v  Accounts_Warehouse (After using Backup  option in Pay Bill this DB is created)
v  Cash Book

Database creation:
·         When you start the Accountant package for the first time, it will create only two databases, Accounts and Income Tax. 
·         When you select the NPC Module for the first time, it will ask for Drive Letter and create NPC database.
·         When you use the Cash Book option in the General Module for the first time , it will create, Cash Book database.
When you use the Back up option in Pay Bill for the first time, it will create Accounts_Warehouse database.

Configuration  of Accountant package :
v  Click on Start – Programs – Meghdoot Millennium – Accountant.
v  In the next screen click on ‘Next’ button
v  Type the Name of the office, Pin Code, city name, designation of pay drawing officer, AG’s office in spaces provided
v  Click on next
v  In the next screen type the Officer’s password
v  Retype the password
v  Click on Next
v  Select the modules and click on next.
v  Click on Finish.

Now the Accounts database is created and the software is ready to be used.

  • Supervisor creates users under “General --- My Office --- Users” and allots modules to the Users.

Pay Bill

  • Master data entry for Pay Bills:
  • Establishment
    • Account Heads
      • Major
      • Cadre
      • General Heads
    • Posts 
  • Configure
v  Scales
v  Designation
v  City Classification
v  Allowance Parameter configuration
v  Special Pay/Special Allowances Configuration
o   Special Pay Description
o   Special Allowances description
v  Recovery Parameter Configuration
o   Group based
o   Other than Group Based
v  Pay Bill skeleton
o   Allowances
o   Deductions
v  Cities
v  Sub Offices
v  Branch Offices
v  A Statement
o   Configure
o   NPC Link
v  Retirement Age


1.         All relevant master entries of NPC must be done first (one time).

2.         Enter the transactions daily.

3.         You can see the progressive total daily.

4.         After month end the figure will automatically reflect in the Bills Paid schedule.

GPF Bill

1.         Enter all master data i.e. OB, ledger for all employees.

2.         Finish the data entry.

3.         Do the application processing and ensure the correctness of balances shown in the computer. Send the application after making correction as per computer balance.

4.         Make the bill after getting sanction and application from DO. Prepare A roll.

5.         Enter the payment details after payment.

Other Bill

1.         In “Other Bill” all the bills except pay bill & GPF is created, ie all types of medical, OTA, TA, etc. bills are created in sanction menu after existing a bill number in maser and bill number option for that work.

2.         If any “Purpose” is to be entered first enter it under “Master --- Purposes”.

3.         After entering in sanction prepare the A roll for that bill & print the A roll  for payment.

4.         All A rolls can be fetched to Treasury for payment in “Tools --- fetch A rolls to Counter/ Treasury”.

5.         Fetch back paid A roll from Treasury in “Tools – Fetch paid A roll”.

6.         Enter the payment details of Sub Office A rolls so that Bills Paid schedule is automatically generated.

7.         The DA arrears/ Bonus can be calculated using this module in less time.

(i) All Bills/A rolls should be drawn through the modules in Accountant so that information can be sent to Treasury.

(ii) While starting the Accountant package for first time in any month it will ask for NPC bill number.  Don’t give wrong bill number or do not press “Escape”.  Give the correct NPC bill number.

(iii) Restrict the general module to Supervisor only. Even a simple change can destroy the whole month’s data causing error in DA arrears etc.

(iv) Before drawing Pay Bill make sure “Post GPF data” option available in general module is ticked to ensure automatic posting of GPF Ledgers. Otherwise, GPF ledgers will not get posted.

(v) The pay bill of the month is entered in bill register of same or next month. It must be configured properly. Any changes later on causes errors.

(vi) Don’t give any “ – “ mark while entry GPF number in data entry. This causes run-time error.

Accounts PBS
(Pension – Bank – Schedule )

Three sub – modules are available in this Module:
-                      Pension
-                      Bank Reconciliation
-                      Schedule

            Before installation of Accounts PBS Accountant package must be installed.  Any updation to be made in this Module must be after updation in Accountant package.

(i)         All master data for all pensioners must be entered first including Sub Offices pensioners.

            (ii)        The advances & recoveries also have to be properly configured .

(iii)       Prepare the pension payment vouchers, send to Treasury/ Counter & fetch back next day.

(iv)       If the pension payment is converted to SB then automatically this information will be fetched to SB Cash.

(v)        Enter the payment details of pension vouchers for SOs so that Pension Schedule can be generated automatically.


            (i)         All the Receipt/ Payment schedules can be prepared using this module

            (ii)        The date for HO is automatically fetched from respective branches.

            (iii)       Day to day entry is required for ease of work

(iv)       All computer generated schedules must be sent while sending the returns

(v)        It is also possible to have a user - defined schedule.

Bank Reconciliation:

(i)         The OB for all transactions with Bank for HO/ SO for each month is required.

            (ii)        Reconcile the Bank work as and when bank document is received.


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