
Showing posts from June, 2017

Design a page having background colour yellow, giving text colour red and using all the attributes of font tab.

Design a page having background colour yellow, giving text colour red and using all the attributes of font tab. Code <html> <body bgcolor="yellow"> <font color="red" size="10" face="Arial Black">This is a sample text</font> </body> </html> Output Hope you all will enjoy this Post. Any kind of positive suggestions regarding this post are heartly accepted. If any one has problem with this post content, kindly let me know through email , i will update or remove this post as soon as possible Thanks Regards Ketan Joshi SA Palanpur HO Mo no:+91 8866984506 eMail :

Create a web page, showing an unordered list of names of five of your friends.

Create a web page, showing an unordered list of names of five of your friends. Code <html> <body> <ul> <li>Friend name here</li> <li>Friend name here</li> <li>Friend name here</li> <li>Friend name here</li> <li>Friend name here</li> </ul> </body> </html> Output Hope you all will enjoy this Post. Any kind of positive suggestions regarding this post are heartly accepted. If any one has problem with this post content, kindly let me know through email , i will update or remove this post as soon as possible Thanks Regards Ketan Joshi SA Palanpur HO Mo no:+91 8866984506 eMail :

Create an HTML document giving details of your name, age, telephone number, address, TLC code & enrolment number aligned in proper order.

Create an HTML document giving details of your name, age, telephone number, address, TLC code & enrolment number aligned in proper order. <html> <body> <ol> <li>Name : Ketan D Joshi/li&gt; <li>Address : At &amp; Po Gadh</li> <li>Mo NO- +91 0000000000</li> <li>Desi.: Student at IGNOU Nootan Bharati Madana</li> <li>En. No: 145566778</li> </li> </ol> </body> </html> Out put Hope you all will enjoy this Post. Any kind of positive suggestions regarding this post are heartly accepted. If any one has problem with this post content, kindly let me know through email , i will update or remove this post as soon as possible Thanks Regards Ketan Joshi SA Palanpur HO Mo no:+91 8866984506 eMail :

Objetc Creation using java script

code <html> <script language="javascript"> var car=new Object(); car.model="kkk"; car.make="Wagon R"; car.year="2009"; car.price="Rs. 150000/-"; document.write(car.model+"<br>"+car.make+"<br>"+car.year+"<br>"+car.price) </script> </html> output  Hope you all will enjoy this Post. Any kind of positive suggestions regarding this post are heartly accepted. If any one has problem with this post content, kindly let me know through email , i will update or remove this post as soon as possible Thanks Regards Ketan Joshi SA Palanpur HO Mo no:+91 8866984506 eMail :

Write a code to create a scrolling text in a text box

Write a code to create a scrolling text in a text box Code <html> <script> var sp; var k; k=0; sp=" "; function scroll() { f1.t1.value=sp+"welcome"; sp=sp+" "; k=k+1; if(k>=30) { sp=" " k=0; } window.setTimeout("scroll()",100); } </script> <body onload="scroll()"> <form id="f1" method="post"> <input type="text" size="50" id="t1"> </form> </body> </html> output Hope you all will enjoy this Post. Any kind of positive suggestions regarding this post are heartly accepted. If any one has problem with this post content, kindly let me know through email , i will update or remove this post as soon as possible Thanks Regards Ketan Joshi SA Palanpur HO Mo no:+91 8866984506 eMail :

Write HTML code to develop a Web page having the background in red and title “My First Page” in any other colour.

Write HTML code to develop a Web page having the background in red and title “My First Page” in any other colour. Code to be copied in Notepad <html> <body bgcolor="red"> <font color="yellow" size="15"> My First Page </font> </body> </html> Out put

Student management System Diagram - Ignou MCA students

Student management system diagram Use case diagram Class diagram Collaboration diagram Sequence diagram Component view Deployment view ***************************************** Pay roll system Use case diagram Class diagram Collaboration diagram Sequence diagram Component view Deployment view **************************************************** Library management system Use case diagram Class diagram Collaboration issue book Collaboration return book Sequence issue book Sequence return book Component view Deployment view **************************************************** ATM SYSTEM USE CASE DIAGRAM CLASS DIAGRAM ATM TRANSACTION SEQUENCE DIAGRAM DEPOSIT COLLABORATION INQUIRY COLLABORATION ATM SESSION SEQUECE SHUT DOWN SEQUENCE ATM START SEQUENCE ATM TRANSFER COLLABORATION WITHDRAW COLLABORATION COMPONENT VIEW DEPLOYMENT VIEW                   Hope you all will enjoy this Post. Any kind of positive sugg...

Download India Post Services Android APP

  Download Hello       This is a very simple android app,  designed for India Post employee to surf all departmental websites and URL from single point for a free        Now we can keep watch over performance in various areas like dependency of speednet,eMO, Rnet, epayment etc    Various another useful links will be incorporated with this tiny app gradually on receipt of suggestions from users        Financial encouragement in form of Gift for development purpose through eMO is heartily accepted Disclaimer : This app is designed with my best of knowledge,  if anything goes wrong with app like crashing of app or non functioning off app, kindly let me know through eMail I will try to update the same as soon as possible. Regards Ketan Joshi, System Admin Palanpur HO 385001 Thanks

Angel chatting App by Ketan Joshi

                                                                Download AngelChatting Hye friends,          This is a very simple and dynamic chatting app. Now be connected with your beloved one through this great interface.         Now make a group having 5000 (five thousands) members through  this app and share your moments with your friends.         Also try this app to make video call as well as now send any file or document like pdf word or excel very easily through this app.           Hope you all will enjoy this Post. Any kind of positive suggestions regard...